

Fashion Week - A Different Perspective

My interest in clothes is constantly conflicted with my environmental and social idealism.

Typically I draw a big line in the sand on issues that I have any opinion on (little or large).
When it comes to clothes I turn the other cheek and make purchases that encourage

the belittling of women,
irresponsible ecological decisions,
nauseating spending habits,
child labor,
unfair wage discrepancies,
and cruelty to animals. 

I am a hypocrite to the maze I have made in the sand of my mind via the turquoise I've had shipped to me and the leather boots on my feet.
In light of the irony of my desire to look good and be a humanitarian I present you with this article I read on Vice.

This season I tuned out of fashion week (as much as possible) as a first step toward tasting my own medicine.