

My Deflowering of Blogger

Dear all, 
Here is my first ever blog entry. One day...once this site reaches high internet traffic and is mentioned in trendy media productions this post will be irrelevant. Or maybe because I said that it will be the opposite. Either way it is what it is. I have no idea what is blog "kosher" so I am just planning on messin around making things look pretty. 
Within the past few years I cannot count the number of times I've ben told that an internship will unlock my future, or give way to my TRUE passion, or some other cliche bullshit re-enforcing the idea that I NEED an internship to be successful. (I am referring to the modern WASP-y definition of successful for a lady. I.E large house, executive title, Mercedes  kids in college... #housewife). My heart leads me to believe that this internship fad will fade and it will be about what you can really do. Not about how many papers you filed alphabetically while taking 6-12 hours out of your busy school week for unpaid, unrewarding, in any sense of the word, work.
But hey those are only the schedule filler internships, right? The statement I have found to be second most relevant to me regarding internships is that if I want to go anywhere near a test closet for ANY designer I need to start a blog. So thats what this is. I am beginning to take my closet, my life, and put it into a public time warp where all of my magic will be available. If some how this helps me get into the big girls world of clothes I'll be stoked. If not then my swag is just out there for the world, I'm cool with that. 
